Rt624ZQRPRCZQiAL.pngCindy Davidowitz past president and current V.P of Estates ll. Started the practice of closed board meetings after living in Estates ll for 2 years.

QsUHwODD38yLhTE9.pngAlan Rothenberg current board president lied to residents when running for the board when he stated he was all for open to board meetings.


 In our community, open board meetings once served as a vital platform that fostered transparency and engagement. In 2019, a false narrative took root in our community: the notion that open board meetings were problematic due to residents speaking out from the crowd. This fabrication, spun by Cindy Davidowitz and Alan Rothenberg, was aimed at keeping residents in the dark about the management of the condo they fund. This narrative has taken on a life of its own, obscuring the everyday truths of our community interactions.

For those who wished to address the board, a clear procedure was in place: individuals would contact the manager in advance to request time to speak. This allowed residents to share their concerns—whether about home repairs or other important issues. Unfortunately, Cindy and Alan's self serving lie obscured the ability of condo residents to engage in vital discussions about matters that directly affected them while allowing the board to operate in the dark.  

Cindy not only prohibited residents from attending board meetings, but she also denied them access to the minutes of condo meetings. This practice has been supported by Rick Saccullo and Alan Rothenberg. All three were new residents when they arrived on the board and altered many of the positive aspects of Estates II.  The result of the board operating in secrecy has led to sky rocketing costs, maintenance increases and assessments.  No good has come to Estates ll from these changes.

It is speculated that Cindy Davidowitz put an end to open minutes because she felt embarrassed due to discrepancies in her own accounts documented in the minutes, particularly concerning her new landscaping and sod that were financed by the condo after she assumed the presidency. 



It’s intriguing that after being discovered receiving complimentary landscaping for her condo, Cindy has directed all her property upgrades to the back, which now resembles a stunning paradise. Could it be mere coincidence that she has chosen the same pavers used in the pool renovation that were installed at the same time as the pool renovation?  It is interesting that Cindy repaved the back of her home while leaving the original concrete in the front of her home.

Fast forward to the present, the three newly elected board members—Alan Rothenberg, David Hoffman, and Donna Geffner—stated they were all for open board meetings. The anticipation was palpable; residents hoped that these leaders would bring forth an era of accountability and openness. Unfortunately  Alan Rothenberg, David Hoffman, and Donna Geffen have yet to fulfill that pledge. Instead, it seems they simply echoed what residents wanted to hear to secure their positions.

This situation does not bode well for Estates II. Each election cycle brings hope—a hope for progress and reform. Yet time and again, residents find themselves facing the grim reality of more of the same. The very board that is meant to advocate for our interests seems to be operating under a veil of secrecy, fostering an environment that discourages open dialogue and transparency.


Alan Rothenberg, the new Estates II President was asked if he would agree to OPEN BOARD MEETINGS at “Meet the Candidates Night” held on Aug. 28, 2024.

He publicly answered the question with a “YES”.
Now, nearly two months and two board meetings later, under Alan’s presidency, board meetings are still CLOSED to residents.

Thanks Alan, for being so honest, trustworthy, and transparent and for respecting your fellow neighbors.

Oh, and those two other new board members who were elected this year, Donna Geffner, PhD and David Hoffman, JD, also both publicly said they were in favor of open board meetings.

Alan Rothenberg, Cindy Davidowitz, Debbie Resnick, Stephani Michele,Stephen Fanuka, Donald Feldman, Donna Geffner